Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Opinion Article Leads

Twist Beginning
                The 10th anniversary since the release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone movie is here and with all of the films out praise for them is everywhere.   The great actors, the amazing special effects, not to mention the fact that the series is the highest grossing film series of all time, are all talked about when thinking of the movie.  Despite all this the books are still superior to the movies.  The books include greater descriptions, are more easily accessible and reading provides more benefits than the watching movies.

Direct Address
                Owls flying around with mail in their beaks, jets of light flying from wands and large staircases that change positions during the day are all images that you see when you hear Harry Potter.  But are these ideas your own or do they just come from the movies?  The movies get people, and scenes stuck in your head, and unlike the books they limit what you can imagine happening.  The books are better than the movies because they allow you to make up the world, with more detail, anywhere you go, allowing for a more enjoyable version of Harry Potter that is your own.

                Sitting in the car with my new Harry Potter book and 10 more hours of driving ahead, I relax and eagerly crack open the book ready to devour the print.  I spend the entire car ride enjoying the book in my lap.  Compared to watching the movie, the book provided much more entertainment and lasted the entire trip instead of a couple hours.   That’s why the Harry Potter books are far better than the movies.  They have greater detail which means longer enjoyment, can be read anywhere, and are better, educationally, than the movies.    

Elena A.     


  1. Hi Elena,
    I really like the seconds lead. This lead made me question myself, " Oh, oh, is all my Harry Potter ideals from the movie or the book?" It captured my attention and thought it applied to me since I had watched all the movies.


  2. Typo in the second lead. I really like the third one (^-^)

    - A Foley Artist

  3. I like the second one, it tells me why the books are better. Maybe if you could find a way to mesh the third into it somehow? Both are great, good job!

  4. these three seem to be supporting three different opinions. They are all good.

  5. I like the second one and the third ones the best, maybe if you combined them, it'd be cool.

    Miss Treble

  6. I really like your second lead. I think it would be a good way to start your opinion piece because you are describing the "everyday" things things that happen in their school, even people that have never read the Harry Potter books will now be able to know some of the things that happen in the books/ movie.

  7. I like the last one, you have good points and it's only your lead!

    Demaree R
    aka MR
