Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is "Pretty Little Liars" Worth Our Time?

          "Pretty Little Liars" is a popular series that many seem to enjoy. Several people enjoy the suspense and the cliff hanging put at the end of each episode. I watched about three of the episodes and I personally didn't get caught up with the show. 
          The show was boring and repetitive. I don't think there is any point to dragging along the plot in "Pretty Little Liars" just to get more episodes. In most of the episodes, there are threats, mysterious texts from a person named "A," and constantly remenbering of a friend named Allison. Allison's friends don't seem to get over her death and most of the drama that happens in each episode is so unrealistic.
          The special Halloween episode was gory and creepy as usual. It was a flashback to the time when Allison was still alive. The viewers get to see how mean Allison of a queen bee she was.  The show started off with one of the twins stabbing the other twin after fighting over a doll. Really? How terrible it is to show to people that dolls matter more than family! Then a voodoo doll that had its heart pierced was delivered to Allison in the middle of the episode. I don't like how the plot is full of revenge and hatred. There isn't much good things to filter out of that show. First, the four friends of Allison cling to her just to look popular. Second, the death threats and text messages are getting old. Third, it's shouldn't take so many episodes to reveal who killed Allison.

For more information on "Pretty Little Liars" Episodes, go here.

Words By: Minji Kim
Photograph can be found here.


  1. I can't believe you don't like it! I am obsessed! Keep watching and I'm sure you will become hooked too!

    -Frito Bandito

  2. I agree! I like the mystery in PLL but there is too much drama. Awesome post! (^-^)

    -A Foley Artist

  3. Yeah, I totally agree. The show is overrated, it's just that the girls are so pretty!

  4. I want to watch it but I not sure I'd be able to follow the plot... :(

    Dum Dee Dum

  5. I enjoy your analysis of the repetitiveness.

  6. I agree with some parts of your post like the show dragging on. I think that you can't start watching a series, like PLL, in the middle of the series because it gets really confusing. Maybe if you watched from the beginning you would like it.
