Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Will the Sea of Monsters get Percy Jackson on Track?

It’s unknown when the next Percy Jackson movie is coming out but the question is whether it will please the book fans or just make the series go toward ruin.  As a movie, the first one was well done but most fans don’t accept it because of the deviations from the book.  These changes include strange castings and different monster encounters for the heroes.

                It’s expected that the same cast from The Lightning Thief will return for this next movie but the director will possibly be changed.  Chris Columbus director of The Lightning Thief and the first two Harry Potter films will work with Karen Rosenfelt, director of Breaking Dawn, according to reports.  I know some people might take that as the movie heading for the worst but I think it should still be approached with an open mind.  I definitely enjoyed the book series and I hope that the movies will get back on track with the books.  If they don’t however, I think they should still be looked at as good movies even if they don’t quite catch up with the books.
To find out more about the Percy Jackson series click here.
Elena A.


  1. Totally agree! Can't wait for the next movie to come out! -Haley

  2. Please tell me they aren't making a Sea of Monsters. Percy Jackson was not the best movie ever...and the same cast is returning? The horror! I guess you do have a point about appreciating the movies seperately from the book series, but still....

    Thanks for the update anyway.

  3. Ew. The movie ruined a book I have been a fan of since 2006, the release of the first book. SAME CAST? Ew. Ew. Ew.

  4. I hope that the second movie will stick more closer to the plot than the first movie did. The first movie mostly had people driving in a car the majority of the time.

    Minji Kim

  5. I really hope that they actually make the plot resemble the book's in some way, shape, or form... I'll keep an eye out!
    ~Miss Treble

  6. I hope they don't mess this up. The first one sucked! Awesome topic! (^-^)

    - A Foley Artist
