Friday, September 30, 2011

Back to the Good Ol' Days

Do you remember the days when you didn’t have to go to school? When everything was easy, you could nap all day, and poop your pants whenever? Well Disney is giving everyone a blast to the past. Lion King is coming back in 3-D, promising an experience that will blow you away. And oh baby it will. Personally, I love Lion King. And I believe that putting it in 3-D would be so much fun to go see.
                It’s pretty obvious that Disney is doing this to make more money, but since Lion King is such a classic, I honestly don’t care. I think this movie is going to be fun to go see with friends and even with your family! And I mean come on, who doesn’t love Simon and Pumba? So you should go see it, and invite all of your friends! I know I will.

-Zach Benayoun

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Letter to the Hunger Games Movie Director

Dear Hunger Games Movie Director,
       I'm so glad that all the Hunger Game scenes have been filmed and it’s starting to wrap up to come out on March 23, 2012. I know that many people(including myself) is looking forward to seeing this movie when it comes out in the theatres. However, I’ve noticed that many people have high expectations for movies that originated from books. Of course, movies are never exactly the same as books. But I still want the same adventurous feeling I got while reading the book.

       Things that I expect from this movie are that it will keep the movie audiences’ adrenaline running as the characters struggle to survive through the life rising arena. The movie should show the complexity of the relationship between Katniss and Peeta. The movie needs to show the conflict where Katniss is confused on whether she showed her affection to Peeta to get sponsors from the audience or because she actually loved him. Not only should the movie include all these elements but the movie should show the tension between the capital and the districts. The movie watchers should get the full impact of how much the capital is trying to take full control and oppresses the districts by sending people off to the hunger games to show who is superior.

Thank you,
Minji Kim

To read more about the progress of the Hunger Games Movie, click here.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Can The Chronicles of Narnia Make a Comeback

After the disappointment in Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader the next movie that appears to in the making is The Magician’s Nephew.  This is the prequel to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and it’s basically the origin story of the land of Narnia.
Hopefully with this next film, The Chronicles of Narnia will be making a new start from the very beginning.   I at least want it to be closer to the books than the other movies were.  Prince Capsian overdid the battle scenes, and while there wasn’t a lot of blood and gore, it was certainly not the fun story the book was.  I haven’t seen The Voyage of the Dawn Treader yet but from most of the reviews it still fell short from people’s expectations. 
The only question left to this is why is The Magician’s Nephew the next movie and not The Silver Chair.  Unfortunately the answer to this seems to be for more money to be made.  The performance of the movies so far, copies the interest people had in the books and since The Magician’s Nephew is the second most popular book of the series Fox is predicting that the movie will be more successful than the previous.  
For more information on the Magician's Nephew click here.
Also for enjoyment here is a link a fan made trailer for the next movie.

Elena A.

Hitchcock's Resurrecting Advice to Teens

Alfred Hitchcock, one of the most famous directors ever known, came out with a new film called “The White Shadow”. Now this wouldn’t be that big of a deal if Hitchcock hadn’t been dead for 22 years and that the film has been lost for 80 years. The film was made when Hitchcock was a 24-year-old film student. Hitchcock was the assistant director, art director and cowriter, while Graham Cutts was the true director of this silent film.
So if Hitchcock wasn’t the big director, why should teens interested in film care? They should care because it reminds everyone that if we work hard there will be a bright future. Hitchcock probably wanted to be a director, so he worked hard and even got some “intern” jobs like working on “The White Shadow”. Did he know that he would be one of the greatest directors ever known? Who knows? But for all the teens out there, just know that if you work hard enough, you may become something as big as Hitchcock. For more information on “The White Shadow” go to Time or IBN Live.

Post and Photgraph by Foley Artist

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Have a Movie Fever?

This LASA E-Zine group has the blog for you. Any teen wanting to get the inside scoop on movies are welcome! Keep up with the updates here! Happy blogging.