Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sunrise: Fixing Evening

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the past few years, you probably know about the Twilight series. You would probably know that these movies and books have profited for over hundreds ofmillions of dollars, and now in just a few weeks, the new Twilight movie, Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn is coming out, and you should probably be pretty pumped. I mean I know I’m so super excited!! (I’m not)
            Now I’m going to ask a quick question and I want to hear everyone’s answer: Which side are you on? Team Jacob or Team Edward? Are you supporting bloodsucking vampires or hairy dangerous werewolves? Now since my opinion matters the most, I’ll tell you what I think…. Just wait for it… I support… Team… Edward. For one reason and one reason only, he’s a better actor. Robert Pattinson has been in much better movies then Taylor Lautner, I mean come on, Shark Boy and LavaGirl? Why was that movie even a movie? I can’t give a supported reason for this opinion based on the Twilight movies, only because I haven’t seen any of them. But from what I hear, going to these movies are kinda like sporting events. You constantly cheer for one side hoping they will do better than the other side. Even though this is related to sports, I’m still not going to go see any.
            Apparently there is a beautiful seen in the new movie that the cast members have been constantly talking about, but its probably just a bunch of hype for the movie. I’m not going to see this movie, but I’ll probably get someone else to tell me about it. What I can hope for from this movie is more funny parodies that will entertain me when I procrastinate from my homework.

-Zach B


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  3. I agree Twilight Series is way overrated. Good blog.
    Elena A.

  4. I am definitely team 'Whoever hates Bella' because she is a horrible actress that depicts a potential character. Shark Boy and Lava Girl is the WORST movie ever, but I give the set respect because they shot it in Austin. Ok and another thing I don't get: (SPOILER ALERT!) How can a dead vampire create a baby? It's not right anatomically or mentally. . . Awesome post! (^-^)

    -A Foley Artist

  5. This is really true now that i think about it. This is am interesting topic and entertaining.


  6. Yeah, the Twilight movie series are terrible.

    Minji Kim
