Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Real Steel is a Real Bust?

If you like a good, tough boxing movie then you probably are looking forward to the release or Real Steel. Hugh Jackman stars in a new movie where boxing is taken to a new level, where the boxing stars are computer-generated robots. I haven’t actually seen the movie, but I think of it as a futuristic Rocky, or possibly even just a movie taken from the Rock Em’ Sock Em’ game.
As a movie and sports lover this movie looks like a fun one to go see. My expectations aren’t too high, but I think this would make for an enjoyable movie to see once or twice. Hugh Jackman is a reliable actor, and will probably make the movie interesting, but with the animatronic robots, I can’t help but think we are losing the good ol’ movies. I love the Rocky series, and was a fan of The Fighter, and now they are turning the triumphant boxing movies, into movies where whoever makes the best robot wins.
However with the criticism, I believe that this will still be an interesting flick because Jackman actually spent time in a boxing club to train for this movie, as well as the fact that the main boxing scenes were being advised by boxing legend, Sugar Ray Leonard. So as a sports fan, I’m happy to know that I can rely that the action will be realistic. 
-Zach B


  1. Personally I don't ever want to see this movie, but your post uses pretty good facts about it being good so we shall see... awesome topic!

    - A Foley Artist

  2. Sounds like an interesting movie.

    Minji Kim

  3. The plot looks really bad but knowing Hugh Jackman, he can pull it off

  4. i disagree, its not just who can build the better robot, but its also on who can train their's the best.
