Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Legends of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole

Based after the 15 book series, The Guardians of Ga’Hoole, Legend of the Guardians is an amazing movie.  The movie makes the most of 3D with thrilling flight and battle scenes.  It also did the books justice despite smashing the first five into an hour and a half movie. 
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole Poster

                The story focuses around a young barn owl named Soren who is kidnapped by the Pure Ones.  He then escapes, finds the guardians and comes back to defeat them.  It has a basic story plot by most standards.  I probably understood it better than most people did because I’ve read the books and new all the little details.  The movie actually vague story wise but it has the good old good vs. evil theme. 

                What is lacks in story it makes up in visuals.  Like I said earlier, flying and animation are awesome.  The 3D contributes to the depth of the movie and the world is brought to life.  I also enjoy the music. 

                The only thing about the movie that I’m kind of annoyed about is that the movie introduces this completely random character.  Some sort of crazy, blue porcupine thing, actually an echidna, is set as the guide to the guardians.  He doesn’t exist in the books at all and really, of all things why a porcupine in an owl world?

Elena A.


  1. I read these books when I was a kid and I loved them! I didn't realize they were making a movie. I may have to reread the series and go watch it now :)

  2. That's awesome! I wish they hadn't put in the porcupine.

    Minji Kim
