Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lead for Feature Article about Neil Flynn

                “I want to be the Westview Wildcats,” yelled one boy to the coach.  “Yah, Westview Wildcats is good,” murmured all the other boys on the basketball team in agreement.   

                “Wait a second there we need to take a vote to make sure it’s fair,” said the coach.  After finally rallying up the votes, and great deliberation the coach finally called out,” Well it’s unanimous we’re now the Westview Pillowcases.” 

                It’s hard to imagine that a plain, albeit funny basketball coach would end up as the actor Neil Flynn who’s now known as the janitor on Scrubs and the father on The Middle.   Looking at him it’s easy to tell that it takes a lot more to be an actor than simply being good at acting.
Elena A.


  1. This is really funny! I'd read more.

  2. I think that this introduction may be a compare and contrast since it's comparing Neil Flynn's before and after image. On the third paragraph, maybe explain what characteristics about him show that "it takes a lot more to be an actor than simply being good at acting."

    Minji Kim

  3. I like the lead a lot. Especially the second part. Good job.
    -Zach B

  4. I like that you start out with an anecdote, but it's a little hard to tell what the coach (Flynn) had to do with the name change. If you're trying to show how he's always been funny and how now he uses that now on Scrubs, you might need more to this story.
