Santa Claus is Coming to Town!
Remember when you were little and use to always look forward to Santa coming to your house? Remember when the songs like “Rudolph the red nose reindeer”, “Silent Night,” and “Frosty the Snowman,” on the radio started to get you into the Christmas mood? Well that’s what the new movie “Arthur Christmas” is about, young children are eager to receive gifts from Santa every Christmas. However, unlike most of the other Santas, most people probably didn’t know is that this Santa is slightly more realistic than the traditional Santa and has an ultra high-tech sleigh with a modern operation underneath the North Pole. Santa Claus has a family tradition of passing the role of being Santa. In the movie, there is Grandsanta, Santa Claus, his wife and his two sons Steve and Arthur. One of them will be the next Santa. During Christmas night, Santa Claus delivers all but one present. Arthur realizes this and informs Santa and Steve. However, Steve tells Arthur that one little mistake doesn’t matter. So Arthur goes off without Santa or Steve to deliver the one gift to a little girl named Gwen. Sounds like a perfect movie for the Christmas time. For more info on when the movie in shown in certain movie theatres and the synopsis, go here. Words By: Minji Kim
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