“Say it, out loud.”
Give me a break! The first movie of the Twilight saga, Twilight, missed by a long shot. Bella Swan’s character was definitely not awkward or perceived as self-conscious, but actress, Kristen Wigg, portrayed her that way in the first, second, and third movies.
But now the first part of the fourth movie, Breaking Dawn, is in theaters and I have been able to watch it. I think Breaking Dawn is a miss because there were SO many awkward pregnancy scenes, and now that I mention it, it was pretty much a collage of awkward scenes. Oh sorry, spoiler alert, Bella is as prego as a tomato.
An example of a REALLY awkward moment is when Bella decides that if her blood-sucking fetus were a boy, she would name him E-Jay (after Edward and Jacob). Really? Are you kidding me? Luckily it was a girl and she named her some really long name that I didn’t catch during the movie because I was laughing so hard at how awkward the scene was.
But I will give this movie some credit. At the wedding of Edward and Bella (yes, barf), Bella’s friends seemed a little suspicious and in disbelief how 18-year-olds are getting married (I mean finally someone has some sense in these movies!). And in a way, Kristen’s acting was less… awful? I even thought she did a marvelous job when she was acting like a monster was living inside her. Her make-up was also a lot better in the movie. In the past movies, her make-up was horrible.
But no matter the ups it had, this movie was a miss. And I love this awkward picture! (^_^)
Posted by A Foley Artist
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